Category: innovation

Gen Z Goes IRL

Time online has hit a ceiling, first beginning to slip in 2019, and then seeing a momentary increase during the pandemic; we are now back to nearly pre-COVID levels, with the most marked decrease since pre-2013. This, coupled with fact that foundational internet behaviours like searching for information and reading news are all slipping, is an indicator that we may be ready to step offline. In this blog we take a deep dive to see how this trend manifests for the younger generation. We highlight four key areas, connecting each to a key learning for CPGs.

Photo by Matheus Ferrero on Unsplash

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Gabrielle Carruthers Gabrielle Carruthers

Gen Z & Entrepreneurship: Our Generation For The Win

At our start-up, we think about and try to understand our generation on a daily basis. What is it that makes Generation Z tick, what do we like, where do we spend our time? But we have never previously looked at how Gen Z consumers are turning the tables on brands, and creating the kind of products and brands they are missing on the shelves. Gen Z is relying on ourselves to step up and take initiative towards a better world. So, let’s shine some light on what entrepreneurship means to Gen Z, why and how we do it and how brands can support our journey. 💜

Photo by Andras Vas on Unsplash

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Karen Rickers Karen Rickers

Decoding Gen Z in China

Gen Z are making an impact worldwide, from the Americas to Asia Pacific, so we will take a closer look at what makes Gen Z in different parts of the world unique or similar compared to their peers in the rest of the world. In this blog post, we want to try and decode Gen Z in China.

Photo by Hyunwon Jang on Unsplash

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Karen Rickers Karen Rickers

How CPG companies can sell wellness to Gen Z

Post-pandemic there is an increased demand for wellness products, largely driven by Gen Z who are pioneering a broader picture of health. As the younger generation rises in importance, commanding $360 billion in disposable income as of 2021, it is vital to understand their needs. In this article we consider four case studies, to understand how brands might capture new consumer interest in the wellness industry.

Photo by Vitalii Pavlyshynets on Unsplash

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Gabrielle Carruthers Gabrielle Carruthers

How CPG Companies can Engage with Gen Z in the Metaverse

Is it really important for brands to craft a marketing strategy that allows them to be active in the metaverse? And who are the current users? Both consumers and brands are still figuring out how to navigate the metaverse. Needless to say, the integration of virtual and physical is the future, and brands will need to adapt to this new reality.

Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash

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Beatrice Soncina Beatrice Soncina